Ikast Etiket - Labelyourself

Paper wristbands without print

  • In stock
  • Cheap
  • Durable
Delivered to you: 18-19 February
Delivery price: $5, FREE delivery over $20

Easy and safe admission control

Paper wristbands without print are a cheap and effective access solution with many uses. Use paper wristbands to grant access to specific areas or to identify and divide many people into different groups.

Wristbands are ideal for company events, children's birthdays and larger events where you need to keep track of attendees. They're also cheerful and help guests get into the party mood.

On this page you will find paper wristbands without print in many different colours, both plain and striped. Order from just 10 pcs and we deliver from day to day. Remember, you can also order with express delivery at check-out.

On this page you can also order paper wristbands with YOUR OWN TEXT. Upload wristbands with your own logo and design in full colour in our advanced designer for paper wristbands.

Quantity and type:
Choose quantity:

Type: (Note: Your design will be reset when you change type)

mm mm

Remember to press "Choose"


Swirl Swirl 2 Swirl 3 Heart Blur Converse Crown Men hits Women Retro One Retro Two Retro Three Heart Circle Swirl Swirl 2 Swirl 3
Choose type:
Write your text:
Choose type:
Choose quantity:
If you order e.g. 30 wristbands and want 10 red, 10 green and 10 yellow, please write us here. You can order 10, 20, 30, etc. of each colour:
Choose image:
To the left of the text
To the right of the text
Image on both sides
Price $

Paper wristbands without printing - order before 02.00 pm on weekdays, then we can ship the same day.

The paper wristbands are made from Tyvek, which is a very durable tear-proof material that can also withstand water. The wristbands are attached with an adhesive slot at one end of the bracelet and can be adapted to fit all wrists.

If you want inspiration for other solutions, see our entire selection of admission control.

Paper wristbands are perfect for festivals, street parties, barbecues, birthdays, etc., wherever you need to ensure that only the invited gain entrance.


  • Order from just 10 pcs.
  • Day to day delivery.
  • ONE SIZE - the wristbands can be used by both children and adults.
  • Tyvek wristbands are pre-printed with consecutive numbering (starts randomly).
  • Many different colours and stripes.
  • Width 19 mm.
  • Can withstand water (bathing, swimming, sweat and rain).
  • Cannot be taken off and on - intended for single use and thus a good and safe access control.
  • The paper wristbands can also be printed with black text and logo printing

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