Ikast Etiket - Labelyourself

Custom-made stickers for the party

  • Perfect fit for the chocolates
  • Custom-made decoration
  • Impress your guests
Delivered to you: 19-24 February
Delivery price: $5, FREE delivery over $20

Put your own personal touch on the chocolate and dessert

With our stickers it is easy to personalise the chocolates and desserts which will impress your guests. It is an affordable way to design your own stickers, suitable to your party theme whether it is a birthday party, christening, wedding or holy communion.

The stickers are designed so that they are a perfect fit on children's and grown-ups favourite chocolates such as After Eight, Kinder Maxi and Mister Choc. Also, it is easy to make really nice signs for your cupcakes, giving them a personal touch. Just place a tooth stick in between two stickers, and stick it in the cupcake before serving.

The stickers are also a perfect choice for companies who would like the company logo on the chocolate boxes for special occasions.

NOTE Kinder Maxi is available in several sizes so it is a good idea to measure up and make sure you order the right size.
We also offer

Stickers freely designed with your own design
Design yourself and see prices
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Type: (Note: Your design will be reset when you change type)

mm mm Note! Measurements are in mm.

Remember to press "Choose"

Swirl Swirl 2 Swirl 3 Heart Blur Converse Crown Men hits Women Retro One Retro Two Retro Three Heart Circle Swirl Swirl 2 Swirl 3
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Size max. 100x100mm:
x mm


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